Mom Journey Autoimmune Mom Mom Journey Autoimmune Mom

Five kids under 10 and Hashimoto’s: FBI Training Didn’t Cover This!

I was up at 6 am with the kids and by 9 am, I was lying on my floor asleep and drooling as the toddlers crawled around on mommy.  My hair was falling out, I was steadily gaining 2-3 pounds a month, my skin was turning to leather, I was depressed, my joints and muscles ached, and I was freezing cold all the time. My kids were losing their mom and my husband was losing his partner.

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Autoimmune Mom Autoimmune Mom

From Hashimoto's to Holistic Healing

My body had fought and hung on for me for seven years (I thank it every day for that), and now I felt I owed it the same respect. Once I really cleaned up my diet, that’s when I saw the greatest improvements.  It was not easy, I won’t say it was, but it is worth it for the fact that I was able to get my life back.

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Autoimmune Mom Autoimmune Mom

A South Asian Woman’s (Un)healthy Journey of Discovery

With my moves across different nations during my lifetime, what has surprised me is how disjointed and poor it can seem in some of the developed countries as well. The narrative that follows highlights my journey with my eventual diagnosis of Hypothyroidism, and various other related maladies. I hope that women from across the globe will benefit from the nuggets of information embedded in my experiences, and go on to make better, more informed decisions about their personal healthcare.

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Mom Journey Autoimmune Mom Mom Journey Autoimmune Mom

My Pregnancy Journey: Navigating Hashimotos

At a year and a half postpartum I’m feeling more optimistic about balancing life as the mother of a toddler and coping with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. I remember last year coping with this condition wasn’t exactly a walk in the park. I was dealing with symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, and it was taking a while to get back to a regular monthly cycle.

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