Mom Journey Autoimmune Mom Mom Journey Autoimmune Mom

Three Chronic Illnesses and a 3 month old

Sure, Lucy doesn't know--at least not yet--that I can't go hiking with her when she's older because of my fibromyalgia. That sometimes holding her is incredibly painful because my hands and wrists hit a new level of pain and muscle spasms around the same time she turned 3 months old.

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Healing Journey Autoimmune Mom Healing Journey Autoimmune Mom

Embracing Change and Celebrating Life

I was pregnant with my second child when I found myself admitted to the hospital. Can I go home and pack? No. Can I still go to the family wedding this weekend? No. Will my baby be okay? Possibly. I sat in the hospital bed speechless. I was told I would remain there until I could learn to carb count and administer insulin injections. I was told I was to remain there until I could adequately protect the baby growing inside me.

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