Autoimmune Mom Autoimmune Mom

From Hashimoto's to Holistic Healing

My body had fought and hung on for me for seven years (I thank it every day for that), and now I felt I owed it the same respect. Once I really cleaned up my diet, that’s when I saw the greatest improvements.  It was not easy, I won’t say it was, but it is worth it for the fact that I was able to get my life back.

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Autoimmune Mom Autoimmune Mom

Ironwoman Interrupted: Navigating Life with MS

Four years ago, I was at the top of my game. I was participating in Ironman Triathlon events, getting my master’s degree, and trying to be the best, most organized, never-missing-a-beat, mom and wife possible. Then, in no time flat, I went from Ironman triathlete to woman in a wheelchair.

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