Healing Journey Autoimmune Mom Healing Journey Autoimmune Mom

You Can’t Do It All (So Stop Worrying): Being Conscientious About Not Overdoing

Given that it’s my job to investigate how to be healthy, you might think that I’ve come across a single magical key to finding balance, harmony, health, and longevity. And I’d love to tell you that after a blissful nine-hour sleep each and every night, I rise with the morning chorus of birds to perform an hour of yoga, followed by an hour of meditation.

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Autoimmune Mom Autoimmune Mom

No Apologies Needed.

When I look at what made the greatest impression on me, it is certainly the very prevalent theme of women feeling exhausted and overwhelmed and, yet, telling me that they simply could not see any place in their lives to make space. Are we prone to taking on too much because we don't want to say "no"?

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Healing Journey Autoimmune Mom Healing Journey Autoimmune Mom

Embracing Change and Celebrating Life

I was pregnant with my second child when I found myself admitted to the hospital. Can I go home and pack? No. Can I still go to the family wedding this weekend? No. Will my baby be okay? Possibly. I sat in the hospital bed speechless. I was told I would remain there until I could learn to carb count and administer insulin injections. I was told I was to remain there until I could adequately protect the baby growing inside me.

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